Sunday, 21 June 2015

Why I'm (temporarily) quitting Facebook

Image by AdorkableAznBunny. Used under CC license.

Ah, Facebook. The silent blue giant that lurks on our phones and computers, slowly sucking all joy from our lives. At least, that's been my recent experience with the one of the world's most popular social media sites.

The only other time I have deactivated my account was during my final year of school. By the way, if there's any students reading this I highly recommend having a final year Facebook break. It's a huge distraction and no, you cannot effectively study and be on Facebook at the same time. Such practices have a significant negative impact on your ability to concentrate and absorb informationTrust me, you have enough distractions without checking your Newsfeed every five seconds. 


I'm not in my final year of school and I didn't even have end of semester uni exams this time around (my condolences for those of you still studying. Now stop reading this and get back to it! ;) ). So, why give up the big blue monster?

It was making me miserable. Regular readers of this blog will know I have my "off" days. While I try not to make rash decisions when I'm feeling bad I decided I needed a Facebook break during one of those "off" days. 

Image by dugg simpson. Used under CC license
I realised it was exacerbating feelings of loneliness and despair. The despair was particularly acute when seeing updates from some of the causes I'm passionate about and seek to support. I was being fed constant reminders of how harsh and cruel this world is and I felt powerless in the face of all the suffering.

In direct opposition to these stories were updates from friends about all the good (or bad) things happening in their lives. Facebook allows us the create a perfect, happy image of our lives. Or to vent about our frustrations and pain (perhaps through blogging hmm? :P ).

So on the one hand I was constantly being told how great life is while on the other being made aware of some friend's struggles, and the crises occuring around the world. 

I took all these cares and burdens on myself and it was having a significant impact on my mental and emotional wellbeing.

Recently I have been made aware of my rebellion against God. While I'm not going to go into details in this post my rebellion has been making me miserable and I imagine taking on all these burdens was a symptom of my sin. 

So while quitting Facebook is only treating a symptom it is at least removing a significant temptation. The temptation is to maintain control of my life and create my own kingdom instead of relinquishing control to God. 

Instead of entrusting these burdens and cares to The Management I declared myself king because I needed to maintain control, I needed to hold onto these burdens. Why? Because I did not trust God. 

Again I'm not going to go into all the nitty gritty of why I haven't been trusting God but I hope you at least understand that control stems from rebellion, and this can make you miserable, anxious and afraid. Freedom is found through repentance and forgiveness. 

Image by geralt. Used under CC license.
Lord, I'm sorry for my sin [naming the specific sin helps. Do not let shame trap you anymore]. Please forgive me and help me to trust you more. Today I commit [make the choice!] to trusting you and letting you be Lord of my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

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You are not alone in thinking that Facebook exacerbates loneliness. It absolutely does, and it is helping to fuel a generation in which everyone believes they are missing out.

We will one day realise that social media is no replacement for community.
My recent post Are we seeing an Islamic Reformation?
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
Good thoughts on Facebook. There are many temptations on Facebook. I do use it but I recognize that I must be vigilant in fighting the temptation to second guess myself or compare myself to others. I keep it because there are some blessings in it. At 43, I appreciate that it allows connection with those I can no longer be in community with. People I've met in life but live far away from. It is a blessing but we must definitely be careful with with many blessings in life!! May God bless you as you seek to trust in the Lord...
My recent post A Journey with The Good Shepherd Pt. 2
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
Brave true words! I was never a frind of fb, here I wrote about them, what I saw by other people and thought about -

Thanks for your visit and comment, I like to tell picstorys, do it often...
Have a great time without fb and good luck with studys
My recent post A Midsummer wreath...
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
You must not understand German to reading the words in the collages... my picstorys are living trought pics and they are for the inner movie and imagination. Everybody can see an other story in them...
Here they are all:
My recent post A Midsummer wreath...
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
Facebook can definitely be a huge distraction and time-sucker, that's for sure! I hope your time away from it is sweet and refresing :)
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
Facebook can be overwhelming for me as well with everyone not only sharing their own lives, but world events. Don't feel bad if you need a break from it. I sometimes need to take a break too. The last time I did, it was for almost a year! And it may be time again for me. : )

Enjoy your time away from Facebook.

Thanks for sharing your heart here. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless.
My recent post Elisabeth Elliot on Trusting God
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
I say, good for you, sweet friend! My husband and I have avoided facebook like the plague. I know there is a LOT of good on there, and it is a wonderful way to share prayer requests, etc., but all of the self-promotion and time wastage can't be pleasing to Him. If you felt Him pulling you away from it, I applaud you for your obedience. So thankful He is with you and guiding your steps! He will do that, if we are willing. I LOVE what you said about our control being rebellion...I never looked at it that way, but that goes along with some things God has been convicting me about. So thankful for your sweet encouragement on my blog, and trusting God to continue to lead and guide your every step. :)
My recent post Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
I applaud your effort to clear all the things in your like that distract (aren't necessarily bad, just distractions) and draw close to God. None of our heart desires to follow God will ever be in vain !!! Stopping by from. Woman to Woman.
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
Praying this time away blesses you! I understand a need to take a break from Facebook. I did one a few weeks ago and continue to make my time on there much more limited. I'm all for any ways we can get a grip on our thoughts and stay positive. Many blessings to you!
My recent post Key Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Potential Babysitter
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
Well done for leaving Facebook, I can totally understand why, but I would struggle to as I keep in contact with so many people through it.
I think I struggle with control in different areas of my life.
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
Thank you for sharing your struggles. I'm sure you have reached many kindred in this area.

I feel like my life was happier before social media. I can be OCD about reading things on social media, and I just don't have time to be looking through my entire newsfeed.

We have a vacation coming up that I am so looking forward to for many reasons, and one of them is that there is no internet! We stayed at the same place last year and it was so freeing not to know anything about anyone!

Thanks for sharing!
My recent post Birthday Pity Party
1 reply · active 509 weeks ago
I am a returning student and have found, like you, that at certain busy times in my academic year, I just don't have time for fb.
My recent post 27 June
1 reply · active 508 weeks ago

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